You may wonder about the origin of the business name. The idea came from Granny Carol, after she and Billy first saw the mountain property, where little bunnies were constantly popping up. The name is also nostalgic for Carol, calling to mind memories of the spun glass fluff that was used for decorating at Christmastime in the 1950s. That magical snow-like material (later banned because of its tendency to cut one's fingers) was called "angelhair". This, combined with the little bunnies, gave Carol the name "Angelhare".
Every year we are blessed by our customers, with their friendliness, loyalty, and appreciation for the hard work that Pop-Pop puts into the nurturing of our beautiful Frasers. The Fraser Fir is referred to as the "Cadillac" of the Christmas Tree. So, if you're in the market for the best, please check us out this year. If you are one of our repeat customers, we can't wait to see you again!
Our family gives praise and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given us all of our blessings. Without Him, this business would not be possible, and we are truly grateful.
About Us
Angelhare Forest Christmas Tree Farm is owned and operated by Billy and Carol Elledge (aka "Pop-Pop and Granny"). Our family has been in the tree business since 1986, when we bought several acres in the gorgeous mountains of North Carolina. The farm is located in Glendale Springs, NC, about 2.5 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway, 45 minutes from Boone, NC, and about 8 miles from the towns of Jefferson and West Jefferson.
We offer a Choose-n-Cut service on our farm and currently operate retail lots in Raleigh and Cary, NC. Our retail lot on Tryon Road in Raleigh offers gifts and handcrafted items, many of which are created by Carol and her daughters. We are truly a small family operation. Our eldest daughter Karen executed our logo and handpainted signs.